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Volunteer Paperwork

Parent Volunteer Background Checks

Parents and family members of Grove students help to make our school a wonderful place!  If you are interested in donating time to our school please follow the process below.

Anyone who volunteers in a Unit 5 school must undergo a background check.  This must be done prior to volunteering in the school.

Please click here to get the background check process started.

This process will need to be completed annually, even if you have completed it in the past.  Any parents or volunteers who come into the school and work with students should be screened.  This includes parents who help during the school day or on field trips.  

Once you have completed the application process, the results are sent to our district office.  If you are a new volunteer, your volunteer badge can be picked up in the Grove office.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Grove! We greatly appreciate the support of our families!